Designed for literature and sports

KU Indoors is a dynamic platform designed exclusively for KU students to unleash their remarkable talents in literature, indoor sports, and a multitude of other captivating domains.

Message From Founder President

Dear fellow KUians!
I am honored to serve as President of KU INDOORS and delighted to see a long-held dream of a few of us come to life. There are tireless and relentless efforts and dedication to bring the club to where it is today. We are grateful for all the support and advice we received from our colleagues, faculty, and staff at Kathmandu University.
KUI is committed to promoting literature, organizing seminars, facilitating indoor games, and engaging in social work. We believe that a well-rounded education is not just about academics, but also about developing skills and interests beyond the classroom. We are also committed to providing opportunities for students to explore their passions and expand their knowledge.
I look forward to continuing to serve our club and make a positive impact on our fellow students. If you are interested in joining KU INDOORS or learning more about our activities, please reach out to us.


KU Indoors is a vibrant and inclusive club for Kathmandu University students, everywhere. We host indoor sports competitions, literary and performance arts events, and open mic nights. Join us to play, create, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passions.